SNS에 대한 목회 신학적 성찰

This article reviews current literature on the Social Network Service that today is playing an increasingly significant role both in human communication and in human isolation. Social networking is newly emerging as a way of human communication that is changing the traditional face-to-face mode of communication. The advanced development of SNS technology in Korea`s mobile industry has greatly influenced the way humans connect with each other. However, at the same time, recent literature has been pointing out the negative impact of social networking on humans by increasing their isolation, distraction, and disconnection. Because of this enormous influence, social networking should be regarded as a topic that pastoral counselors and theologians must reflect upon for their pastoral theology and pastoral counseling practice. My reflection on this phenomenon for its relevance to pastoral theology and counseling will take the form of a review of literature on this topic. Articles and other resources used represent current thinking of experts in both Korea and the United States. Based upon these scholarly views on communication and isolation, I will offer my own reflection on how social networking can be viewed from a hybrid perspective: how it impacts both human communication and human isolation. Lastly, I will analyze all of these reflections from the perspective of pastoral theology and pastoral counseling ethics.
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