D-78 Elastic Properties of Nano-Structured Thin Films: Characterization and Modeling

different microstructures are elaborated, the microstructure of which being characterized by TEM (grain shape, layer thickness …), X-ray reflectometry (multilayer period, density) and X-ray diffraction (XRD: crystallographic texture, layer thicknesses). These films are supported by a polyimide foil substrate. Films mechanical response is characterized experimentally by XRD based in-situ techniques [2] to assess the orientation and depth dependences of elastic strain and stress. Results are interpreted by an appropriated mechanical modeling accounting for the material microstructure, based on homogenization schemes. An in-situ biaxial tensile apparatus is currently developed in the frame work of the French Agency for Research (Cmonano project, ANR-05-PNANO-069) and will be installed at Diffabs beam line of the new French synchrotron SOLEIL. This machine allows exploring many different configurations of
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