Physicochemical Characterisation and Binding Property of Polysaccharide of Solanum Betaceum Cav In Tablet Formulation

AIM: The aim of the study is to extract a polysaccharide from the fruit of the Solanum betaceum Cav and to studythe characteristic of the polysaccharide as a binding agent in the formulation of tablets. OBJECTIVE: To isolate polysaccharidefrom Solanum betaceum cav fruit, To evaluate its physicochemical properties of the polysaccharide. To formulate and evaluate paracetamol tablet using above polysaccharide. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Physicochemical characterization of isolated mucilage powder: The physicochemicalof Solanum betaceum cav mucilage were observed and the results were presented in table and. The identification tests of mucilage gave positive test for carbohydrate, mucilage in Molisch’s and ruthenium tests respectively and the iodine test gave negative test for starch, thus polysaccharides is confirmed. The results were presented in table 7. Extracted and purified mucilage was evaluated for viscosityand pH. The pH of the mucilage was found to be 6.1. Since the pH value of this mucilage is near to neutral, it may be less irritating on gastrointestinal tract and hence was suitable for uncoated tablets. The flow properties of mucilage powder weredetermined by Carr’s index, Hausner’s ratio and angle of repose was found to be >23, >1.25, and 36⁰ - 40⁰ indicated poor and passable flow properties. CONCLUSION: The market for drug delivery system has come a long way and will continue to grow at an impressive rate.Today’s drug delivery technologies enable the incorporation of drug molecules into a new delivery system thus providing numerous therapeutic and commercial advantages. Natural materials readily available,cost effective,eco-friendly, biodegradable and biocompatible due to their natural origin can be extensively used in the field of drug delivery. In recent year, the interest is growing to develop multiparticulate drug delivery systemwith the use of natural polymer thereby increasing the therapeutic value as well as reducing toxicity. On the basis of this dissertation work ,polysaccharide isolated from fruit of Solanum betaceum cav shows excellent binding property with no interaction in itcomparision with existing polymers.In futurethe polymer characteristics can be studied for sustain releaseproperty andit may be used as a novel polymer in drug delivery system..
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