Состояние микроциркуляции у больных артериальной гипертонией Под влиянием комплексной магнитотерапии

Results of studying of influence of the sanatorium treatment including a balneoterapiya by chloride sodium bathtubs in a complex with the general and transkranialny magnetotherapy, on a condition of microcirculation at patients with the arterial hypertension are presented. The method of a laser Doppler flowmetry is for this purpose used. 82 sick AG of the 1-2nd stage and the 1-2nd degree aged from 30 till 69 years are surveyed. It is proved that balneoterapiya addition with chloride sodium bathtubs with procedures of the general magnetotherapy, and also the combined techniques of the general and transcerebral magnetotherapy promotes the expressed influence on microcirculation indicators at sick arterial hypertension. Thus there is a favorable reorganization of mechanisms of regulation of a microblood-groove: dominating influence of active modulators (the endoteli-alnykh and vasomotorial) against decrease passive (pulse and respiratory waves) is formed.
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