Two-Dimensional Bose--Hubbard Model for Helium on Graphene

An exciting development in the field of correlated systems is the possibility of realizing two-dimensional (2D) phases of quantum matter. For a systems of bosons, an example of strong correlations manifesting themselves in a 2D environment is provided by helium adsorbed on graphene. We construct the effective Bose-Hubbard model for this system which involves hard-core bosons $(U\approx\infty)$, repulsive nearest-neighbor $(V>0)$ and small attractive $(V'<0)$ next-nearest neighbor interactions. The mapping onto the Bose-Hubbard model is accomplished by a variety of many-body techniques which take into account the strong He-He correlations on the scale of the graphene lattice spacing. Unlike the case of dilute ultracold atoms where interactions are effectively point-like, the detailed microscopic form of the short range electrostatic and long range dispersion interactions in the helium-graphene system are crucial for the emergent Bose-Hubbard description. The result places the ground state of the first layer of $^4$He adsorbed on graphene deep in the commensurate solid phase with $1/3$ of the sites on the dual triangular lattice occupied. Because the parameters of the effective Bose-Hubbard model are very sensitive to the exact lattice structure, this opens up an avenue to tune quantum phase transitions in this solid-state system.
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