Analele Universităţii 'Constantin Brâncuşi' din Târgu Jiu (Annals of the 'Constantin Brâncuşi' University of Targu Jiu-Letters and Social Sciences Series)

Constantin Brancusi” University Annals from Targu Jiu, Letters and Social Sciences Series is published by ”Academica Brâncusi” Press of “Constantin Brancusi” University from Targu-Jiu, a state university, institutionally certified. The journals includes articles from the historical, social, philosophical field, with the following objectives: encouraging research in education, enlarging the horizon of knowledge in the field of letters and social sciences. The journals aims to: Answer through its activity of the birth of a coherent and efficient network of broadcasting information in the field of letters and social sciences. Identify the scientific and research potential of the University in the field of letters and social sciences; Draw prestigious collaborators from the country or from abroad that could make a contribution to the development of scientific research; Encourage research in education; To assert national and international identity, scientific research developed by the professors of the Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences, at “Constantin Brancusi” University from Târgu-Jiu.
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