Reconstruction of palaeoenvironment and ancient human activities at Obrovac-type settlements (Serbia) using a geochemical approach

Abstract This study aims to determine the palaeoenvironmental characteristics and activity patterns of Obrovac-type archaeological sites in Western Serbia, dated to the Late Neolithic/Early Eneolithic period, ∼5th millennium BC. These mound-like sites, enclosed by a wide ditch, that are not known in other parts of the central Balkan area, have long intrigued archaeologists investigating their origin and function over the last few decades. In this study, for the first time, organic-geochemical analysis of paleosol samples from the Obrovac-type sites was applied with the aim of palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Additionally, organic carbon content and anion analysis of 58 subsoil samples from these settlements were performed to determine the use of space and activity zones. The analysis of biomarkers from selected sites suggests significant plant biodiversity in the Macva region during the Late Neolithic/Early Eneolithic. Distribution of n-alkanes with the maximum at n-C25 and predominance of C30 hop-22(29)-ene among hopanoids in samples from Obrovac type-sites indisputably indicates that macrophytes are a dominant source of organic matter, implying a marshy and floodplain depositional environment. On the other side, a strong signal of long-chain n-alkanes indicates the input of terrestrial plants into the precursor biomass, confirming that this environment was habitable for the first settlers in this region. Anion-based analysis delineates certain activity zones, demonstrating that Obrovac type-sites manifest rather complex spatial behavior despite their relatively small size and available space.
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