Geodynamic Hazard Assessment for Tectonic Structures in Underground Mining of North Ore Bodies in the Oktyabrsky Deposit

The tectonic structures of different rank are distinguished in the Norilsk Region. The first-order block structure is formed by intersection of rank I geodynamically active faults: Khatanga, Imangda-Kystykhtakh, Norislk, Fokin-Tangaralakh megafaults and other. Rank II faults are the Norilsk-Kharaelakh fault, which intersects the mine field, and other 7 structures. Using geological sections and boring records obtained within the mining lease, slip faults and oblique-slip faults of rank III, represented by ridges in the terrain, are plotted in the satellite image. In the rockburst-hazardous high-grade ore sites in Glubokaya mine, it is recommended to arrange safe zones by advance boring of destressing holes in underground openings in zones of rank III faults.
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