Valoración de la Idoneidad Epistémica y Cognitiva de un Proceso de Instrucción en la Resolución de Problemas Bayesianos

This paper aims to present the assessment of an instructional process about the Bayes Theorem carried out with 50 Engineering students in a Statistics class of the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Under the theoretical and methodological framework of the Ontosemiotic Approach to Mathematical Cognition and Instruction, this assessment is done in epistemic and cognitive dimensions. A teaching strategy and problem-solving methodology was implemented, designed on the basis of frequent errors in reasoning about conditional probability. The students´ work was analyzed before and after instruction. The purpose was to contribute to the construction of meaning of the formula in this theorem, to promote the ability to perform transformations between representations in different registers. Students who developed this ability showed fewer difficulties with the problem-sovling. The didactic suitability analysis yields a high rating in the dimensions analyzed.
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