Clarification of the aspects of tongue-palate contacts during mastication with/without stage II transport.

Background During mastication, the tongue presses the bolus into the pharynx by a "squeeze-back" motion, known as stage II transport (St2Tr). However, the pressure of St2Tr tongue-palate contact has not been examined. Objectives We aimed to clarify aspects of St2Tr occurrence and tongue-palate contact during mastication by measuring tongue pressure. Methods Ten healthy adults (eight men, two women, aged 26.8 ± 2.2 years) were enrolled. Tongue pressure was measured (Swallow Scan) during mastication. Sensors were placed on the palate near the incisive papilla (Ch.1), in the middle (Ch.2), at the posterior (Ch.3), and near the first molars on the habitual (Ch.H) and non-habitual (Ch.Nh) masticatory sides. Nasopharyngeal endoscopy confirmed St2Tr and swallowing. Tongue pressures were measured repeatedly, from mastication onset through the first swallow, until eight sets of data were obtained. Tongue-palate contact frequencies, integrated values of tongue pressure, and mastication times were recorded for St2Tr(+) and St2Tr(-) mastication conditions. Results St2Tr occurred in 43 of 80 trials (53.8%). St2Tr(+) exhibited the highest tongue-palate contact frequency at Ch.H; it exhibited higher contact frequencies at Ch.2, Ch.3 and Ch.H than St2Tr(-). St2Tr(+) exhibited higher tongue pressures at Ch.1, Ch.2, and Ch.H than at Ch.3; it exhibited higher tongue pressures at Ch.1 and Ch.2 than St2Tr(-). Conclusion The study suggested that during St2Tr, the tongue frequently touched the palate at the central and posterior regions, as well as at its habitual masticatory side. It applies the strongest pressure at the anterior and central palate to transport the bolus to the pharynx.
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