Objektifikasi Tubuh: Kontestasi Kepentingan atas Sepasang Pengantin
Momen pernikahan sebagai ritus yang sakral justru belum mengindahkan kuasa tubuh untuk menerima/ menolak perlakuan terhadapnya. Dalam hal ini, penentuan perlakuan terhadap tubuh justru berada di tangan perias pengantin, keluarga termasuk orang tua, dan diri pengantin itu sendiri. Demi sukses menjadi ratu dan raja sehari, diri pengantin rela mendapat perlakuan apa pun yang mana salah satunya ialah perlakuan objektifikasi. Akan tetapi, studi terdahulu mengenai objektifikasi tubuh lebih dihubungkan dengan subjektifitas dari pengamat. Untuk itu, studi ini melengkapi kekurangan studi yang telah ada dengan melihat keterlibatan pemilik tubuh sendiri dalam memandang tubuh hanya sebatas benda mati sehingga dapat diperlakukan sedemikian rupa demi menciptakan pandangan baik secara sosial. Tiga pertanyaan dirumuskan: 1) Bagaimana tubuh sepasang pengantin menjadi objek perlakuan berbagai pihak?; 2) Nilai-nilai apa yang ingin dibangun oleh berbagai pihak atas tubuh pengantin?; dan 3) Bagaimana kontestasi antar aktor berlangsung pada proses pengobjekkan tubuh sepasang pengantin?.
Untuk mendapatkan jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut sebagai data, digunakan metode wawancara dan observasi partisipan dengan ikut bekerja dalam wedding organizer. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap perias pengantin, perwakilan pihak keluarga, dan diri pengantin. Sementara itu, peneliti melakukan observasi partisipan dengan turut berpartisipasi menjadi asisten pribadi dukun pengantin sehingga selalu terlibat dalam segala proses penyelenggaraan pernikahan yang terselenggara dalam kurun waktu dua minggu. Dari penelitian, ditemukan bahwa praktik-praktik objektifikasi tubuh yang justru tidak disadari oleh aktor-aktor yang terlibat di dalamnya. Bersamaan dengan itu, antara pengantin, dukun pengantin, dan orang tua bersitegang agar pemikiran, usulan, dan anggapan baiknya diterapkan di acara istimewa pernikahan. Hal ini tidak lain untuk mewujudkan suatu kepantasan di mata umum. Tiga hal menjadi temuan utama penelitian ini. Pertama, objektifikasi sebagai bagian dari upaya diri pengantin, keluarga termasuk orang tua, dan dukun pengantin mewujudkan kepedulian dan keterlibatan dalam perhelatan penting pernikahan. Dengan demikian, semakin ikut campur dalam acara pernikahan maka akan kian dianggap peduli. Namun, kepedulian tersebut sering dibarengi dengan perlakuan-perlakuan pengobjekkan tubuh diri pengantin. Kedua, objektifikasi tubuh dilakukan atas dasar keinginan mendapatkan prestise bagi diri pengantin, orang tua, dan keluarga. Selanjutnya, pernikahan menjadi jalan lain bagi pelaku wedding organizer untuk melancarkan usahanya melalui komersialisasi. Komersialisasi inilah, yang pada tahap selanjutnya, menyuburkan praktik-praktik objektifikasi. Ketiga, nilai umum di masyarakat yang ditumbuhkan dengan proses edukasi dan sosialisasi telah membuat objektifikasi tersamarkan. Sejalan dengan itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kontestasi kepentingan antar aktor dalam kerangka objektifikasi merupakan hasil dari proses pembiasaan (habituasi) di masyarakat.
The moment of marriage as a sacred rite has not yet heeded the power of the body to accept / reject treatment of it. In this case, the determination of the treatment of the body is in the hands of the bridal makeup, the family, including the parents, and the bride herself. For the sake of being a queen and king for a day, the bride and groom are willing to receive any treatment, one of which is objectification. However, previous studies regarding the objectification of the body were more related to the subjectivity of the observer. For this reason, this study complements the shortcomings of existing studies by looking at the involvement of the owner of the body itself in seeing the body as only an inanimate object so that it can be treated in such a way for the creation of a sosially favorable view. Three questions were formulated: 1) How did the body of a bride and groom become the object of treatment by various parties ?; 2) What values do various parties want to build on the body of the bride and groom ?; and 3) How does the contestation between actors take place in the process of objectifying the bodies of a couple? To get answers to these questions as data, interview and participant observation methods were used by working in a wedding organizer. Interviews were conducted with traditional healers and brides themselves. Meanwhile, the researcher conducted participant observation by participating as the personal assistant of the traditional midwife so that he always participated in all the processes of organizing the wedding which took place within two weeks.
From the research, it was found that the practices of objectification of the body were actually not realized by the actors involved in it. At the same time, the bride and groom, the traditional midwife, and the parents argue that their thoughts, suggestions, and suggestions should be applied to a special wedding ceremony. This is none other than to create a suitability in the public eye. Three things are the main findings of this study. First, objectification as part of the efforts of the bride and groom, including her family, and the traditional midwife to create care and involvement in important wedding events. Thus, the more involved in marriage, the more someone will be perceived as caring. However, this concern is often accompanied by objectifying the bride's body. Second, the objectification of the body is carried out on the basis of the desire to gain prestige for the bride, parents and family. Furthermore, marriage is another way for wedding organizers to launch their business with commercialization. This commercialization, at a later stage, fosters objectification practices. Third, the general value in society that is grown by a process of education and sosialization has made objectification in disguise. In line with that, it can be concluded that the contestation of interests between actors in the objection framework is the result of the habituation process.
Keywords: bride, marriage, body objectification, actor contestation, Javanese countryside
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