Telework’s Role Explaining Outcomes of Work/Home Segmentation: Preferences & Supplies

Despite growing interest in both the work-family and telework literatures, research has been slow to investigate how an individual’s preferences and supplies stemming from the work and home domains might influence their work outcomes, and if telework might play an important role. This research therefore begins by investigating if work-from-home and home-from-work preferences and supplies for segmentation impact two important work outcomes, namely organizational commitment and turnover intentions. Then, to unpack these relationships, we investigate the intervening role played by the extent of telework, in order to examine how preferences and supplies for work-home segmentation might alter a an individual’s telework practices which in-turn effect their commitment and desire to remain in the organization. Using data from 459 teleworkers, findings indicate that segmentation preferences and supplies are related to commitment and turnover intentions, and that an individual’s extent of telework partially mediate...
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