Recent Trends in Oral Interpretation.

The field of oral interpretation has been influenced by both the analytical approach to literature study, with significant emphasis on understanding the literary text, and the interpersonal approach. While oral reading may utilize various performance arts or media such as dance, music, or film, the most popular movement currently is Readers Theater, one of several forms of group reading. There are no set rules for this type of oral communicatio, but concentration on interpretation of material and experimentation with a variety of approaches are important. (JM) . S DEPARTMENT OF HEAL TH. EDUCATION& WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION HEEN REPRO DDCF D E XACTL Y AS RECEIVED FROM IIIF PENNON ON ORC.ANIZATOON OP,CoN P(.,% F.:e. OR OPINIONS D Do NW NE( 1 SANILN REPRE P 11 iri6. P141ONAL ,NST 1 rutF OF 4.1 1 POV ',ON OR POL,C),
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