Comparison of carbon doping of InGaAs and GaAs by CBr4 using hydrogen or nitrogen as carrier gas in LP-MOVPE

Abstract The p-type carrier concentration of MOVPE grown carbon doped InGaAs/InP and GaAs is investigated using H 2 and N 2 as carrier gas. Employing N 2 instead of H 2 halves the growth rate and diminishes the TMGa decomposition in the kinetically limited growth regime. The p-type carrier concentration of GaAs can be doubled by shifting to N 2 . In N 2 ambient the maximal p-carrier concentration in InGaAs can be more than doubled compared to the maximal p-doping levels in H 2 . Using N 2 as carrier gas it is possible to achieve p-type carrier concentrations in InGaAs/InP up to 1×10 19  cm −3 at temperatures as high as 550°C.
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