Перфузионная сцинтиграфия легких в диагностике тромбоэмболии дистальных ветвей легочной артерии у больных с имплантированными электрокардиостимуляторами

The aim of this work was to estimate possibilities of perfusion scintigraphy of lungs in the diagnostics of small pulmonary arteries thromboembolism in patients with disturbances of affectivity and conductibility and pacing. 154 patients at the age of 6,3+2,1 y.o. were examined (93 women, 61 men). Patients were divided into 2 groups: I (primary) 76 patients with implanted cardiostimulators and II (experimental group) 78 patients who didn"t require electrotherapy. In patients with apical pacing, in mean probability of pulmonary embolism (according to clinical judgment) it is necessary to carry out additional perfusion scintigraphy of lungs for diagnosis confirmation. To exclude this kind of complication in indefinite (intermediate) possibility of pulmonary embolism (according to radiologic criteria) it is necessary to conduct scintigraphic reexamination of pulmonary perfusion after a course of heparinotherapy. The course of small pulmonary arteries thromboembolism in patients with implanted cardiostimulators has not massive chronic recurrent character with the damage of, generally, 4-5 and 8-9 bronchopulmonary segments.
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