Low level radioactive waste disposal siting: a social and technical plan for Pennsylvania. Volume 1. An overview of options and alternatives

The report contains the research results of a comprehensive analysis of the social and technical options available to decision makers to develop a plan for a LLRW site in Pennsylvania. The research was conducted by a team of social scientists, engineers and physical scientists at The Pennsylvania State University and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources. While the full range of professional literature and analyses were utilized, the particular focus of the project is LLRW site development considerations specific to Pennsylvania. The research team concentrated on two broad sets of issues: (1) Social Science aspects of the project including (a) the socioeconomic dimensions of the site selection process, (b) the involvement of the public, (c) incentives, (d) socioeconomic impacts and (d) the unique characteristics of Pennsylvania's institutional infrastructure, and (2) Technical aspects of the project including (a) technical criteria review and development, (b) a Pennsylvania geology screening study, and (c) the development of technical concepts for the determination of site characteristics. The results of these integrated analyses are incorporated into several options for decision makers to create a plan for the Commonwealth regarding the social and technical facets of the selection, development and operation of a LLRW site in Pennsylvania.more » 28 references, 2 figures, 6 tables.« less
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