Perception of patients in Urogynecology Outpatient Clinic about the host and conservative therapeutic approach in urinary incontinence

Objective: To describe the perception of patients with urinary incontinence concerning the secondary care facilities outreach and treatment programs. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out, when women referred to the Urogynecology Clinic between January and March 2008 answered to an interview. Results: Most patients included in the study had low schooling level and complained of frequent urinary loss in great quantity. As for the expected type of treatment, the patients were almost equally divided into three treatment types: drug therapy, physiotherapy, and surgery. Concerning their perception of and satisfaction with the received medical care, it was observed that all questions were answered by patients, most of them felt comfortable and safe during their appointment with the physician, and felt that their problem would be solved at the healthcare facility. Conclusions: There is a discrepancy between the patient?s idea of therapy and the treatment that is actually being proposed. However, although this discrepancy exists, a qualified multidisciplinary outreach program results in good satisfaction levels with the medical care, understanding of the problem, and expectation with the treatment Objetivo: Descrever a percepcao das pacientes com incontinencia urinaria em relacao ao acolhimento no Servico Secundario e as formas de tratamento para essa afeccao. Metodos: Foi realizado estudo descritivo de corte transversal, por meio de entrevista as pacientes do sexo feminino referenciadas ao Servico de Uroginecologia, durante o periodo de Janeiro a Marco de 2008. Resultados: A maioria das pacientes incluidas no estudo tinha baixo nivel de escolaridade, queixava-se de perda urinaria frequente e de grande quantidade. Em relacao ao tipo de tratamento esperado, as pacientes se dividiram de modo parecido entre os tres tipos de tratamento: medicamentoso, fisioterapico e cirurgico. Quanto a percepcao e satisfacao das pacientes em relacao ao atendimento recebido, observa-se que todas tiveram suas duvidas respondidas, bem como a maioria sentiu-se a vontade e segura durante a consulta, achando que teria seu problema resolvido no servico. Conclusoes: Ha uma discrepância entre a ideia que a paciente tem em relacao a terapia, e o tratamento que de fato sera proposto. Mas apesar dessa divergencia, o acolhimento multiprofissional qualificado resulta em bons indices de satisfacao da paciente em relacao ao seu atendimento, ao entendimento do problema de saude e a expectativa de tratamento
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