Humoral immunity patterns based on antibody reactivity to rotavirus antigens in Brazilian children under 5 years of age

The age distribution of antibody to simian rotavirus (SA-11) was studied in serum specimens obtained from 399 children aged to 5 years and living in the city of Recife (PE), located in the north eastern region of Brazil. Sera were examined for group-specific rotavirus antibody using a blocking enzyme immunoassay (bELISA) and a hemagglutination inhibition antibody (HIA) test, and for anti-VP2, anti-VP4, anti-VP6, and anti-VP7 antibodies using an immunoblotting assay (IBA). Antibody prevalence was similar in all bELISA and HIA assays, showing a steep rise in the 6-to 17-month-old age groups. The results indicate early acquisition of antibody to rotavirus. The majority of children aged 2 to 4 years had bELISA (50% to 60%) and HIA (70% to 81%) antibodies. There was an association in prevalence data obtained by HIA and bELISA with immunoblotting (IBA), revealing four serologic profiles. Children with profiles I and II (60%) respectively had HAI and ELISA antibody or HAI antibody alone and all had immunoprotective antibodies to VP4 and/or VP7. These children were regarded as immune, resembling convalescent patients with a rotavirus infection. Children with profile III (4%) had no HIA antibody and only non-protective anti-VP6 and/or VP7 antibody, and were considered to be partially immune. Children with profile IV (36%) had no detectable antibody and were classified as nonimmune. These children should be considered to be susceptible to rotavirus infection, with the risk of developing clinically severe diarrhea.
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