The dry and wet stigmas ofPrimula obconica: Ultrastructural and cytochemical dimorphisms

The stigmatic papillae of the distylous speciesPrimula obconica are studied by means of cytochemical, light and electron microscopic techniques. The papillae on thrum stigmas are smaller than those on pin stigmas. At the bud stage, secretory vesicles are not a conspicious part of the cytoplasm, although certain signs of secretory activity are present. The young papillae bear the thin, superficial pellicle typical to dry stigmas. Small vesicles are numerous in mature papillae of both morphs, and seem to originate from the ER. A layer of closely packed, osmiophilic globuli is present in the outermost part of mature walls of pin papillae. At sites with cuticle disruption, the globuli seem to migrate outwards to be incorporated with the copious, blistery exudate. Due to this exudate the pin stigma is characterized as wet. Cytochemical tests suggest that the exudate contains mainly lipids, and different carbohydrates and protein are detected. It reacts positively in tests for peroxidase, acid phosphatase, and non-specific esterases. The thrum stigma remains dry at maturity, with a distinct pellicle also reacting positively to the enzyme tests. Only a few, scattered osmiophilic globuli, sized and situated as those in the pin papillae walls, are found in the thrum walls, and they do not form a proper layer.
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