Genealogical Information Searches in Kawitan Culture on Balinese Hinduism Society: from Lontar (palm-leaf manuscript) to Electronic form

For Balinese Hinduism society, tracking the family genealogy has an important role not only in the religious life, but also in their social-cultural-political life. Kawitan (has meaning: the origin ancestry line of a family) in Bali, act as a foundation of Balinese’s social life based on concept of Atma Tattwa and Purnabhawa, believe in reincarnation. People tracking the family genealogy to stabilize the identity which has meaning to strengthen their humanism existence, to see the dynamic meaning within and family or historical development of Bali. This is unique because there will be a lot of aspects that influence in study about Kawitan: historical, biological, religious aspects, and even psychological and political aspects that can potentially started custom conflict that arise agitation and violence. It can happened because of lack information taken. All this time, information tracking about the family genealogy in society only based on nuncupative knowledge and historical record on lontar (palm-leaf manuscripts) which are not integrated. Within the technology advancement, genealogy tracking should be easier, but it rising a dilemma in society, most of them refuse to use technology and choose to use traditional ways. Based on qualitative research, using in depth interview method and participative observation, further will be researched comprehensively about the Kawitan genealogy tracking, backgrounds of Kawitan tracking in Balinese Hinduism society studied from ontology, epistemology, and axiology aspects, regulation and management effort, as well as future planning related to the Kawitan tracking development program which are more inclusive, synergistic and integrative.
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