Effect of storage on non‐enzymatic browning of liquid infant milk formulae

Furfural, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), furosine, lactulose, ascorbic acid and absorbance at 284 and 420 nm (A 284 and A 420 ) were all determined in two types of liquid infant formula prepared with different processing protocols. These browning indicators were used to assess the effects of storage and modified atmosphere on the shelf-life of infant formulae. The study was carried out at 20 and 55 °C for 15, 30 and 90 days. At 20 °C, slight browning was observed and could be evaluated by furosine, furfural and total HMF indicators. At 55°C, formula type A (pasteurised, spray-dried and reconstituted) showed more browning in nitrogen storage conditions than did type B. Furfural, HMF, lactulose, A 284 and A 420 are useful indicators to control the extent of browning reactions in adverse storage conditions. Les formulations de lait infantile liquides ont une duree de conservation de 12 mois. Le sujet de cette etude est d'etablir l'influence de conditions d'entreposage normales et adverses (temperature, temps et atmosphere) sur la duree de conservation des laits formules par l'etude d'indicateurs d'intensite du traitement thermique: absorbance a 284 et 420 nm, hydroxymethylfurfural, furfural, furosine, lactulose et acide ascorbique.
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