Application of Speech Technology in Vehicles

Speech technology has been regarded as one of the most interesting technologies for operating in-vehicle information systems. Cameron [1] has pointed out that under at least one of the four criteria that people are using speech system more likely. These four criteria are the following: (1) They are offered no choice; (2) it corresponds to the privacy of their surroundings; (3) their hands or eyes are busy on another task; and (4) it is quicker than any other alternatives. For driver, driving is a typical “hands and eyes are busy” task. In most of the situations, the driver is the only person inside the car, or with some passengers who know each other well, so the “privacy of surroundings” criteria are also met. There are long histories of interests of applying speech technology into controlling in-vehicle information system. Up to now, some of the commercial cars have already equipped with imbedded speech technology. In 1996, however, the S-Class car of Mercedes-Benz introduced Linguatronic, the first generation of in-car speech system for anybody who drives a car [2]. Since then, the number of in-vehicle applications using speech technology is increasing [3].
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