Monte Carlo and water calorimetric determination of kilovoltage beam radiotherapy ionization chamber correction factors.

The in-phantom calibration method for radiotherapy kilovoltage x-ray beams requires ionization chamber correction factors. The overall ionization chamber correction factor accounts for changes in the chamber response due to the displacement of water by the chamber cavity and wall, the presence of the stem and the change in incident photon energy and angular distribution in the phantom to that in air. A waterproof sheath, if required, is accounted for in a sheath correction factor. The aim of this study is to determine chamber correction factors through Monte Carlo simulations and water calorimetry measurements. Correction factors are determined for the PTW TM30013, NE2571, IBA FC65-G, IBA FC65-P and Exradin A12 ionization chambers. They are compared to experimental values obtained at PTB with their water calorimetry-based absorbed dose to water primary standard and at other national metrological institutes. An uncertainty analysis considers the contributions to the uncertainty on the chamber correction factors from the field size, photon cross sections, photon fluence spectra and chamber wall and central electrode dimensions. The MC calculated chamber correction factors are within 2.2% of unity with a standard uncertainty of 0.3%. For the 50 kV and 100 - 140 kV radiation beam qualities, the calculated correction factors deviate from the measured correction factors (with a standard uncertainty of 1%) by up to 2.6%. The calculated chamber correction factors for the PTW TM30013 and Exradin A12 are consistent with those derived from the BIPM kilovoltage primary standard. The inconsistencies between the calculated and experimental chamber correction factors indicate the need to further investigate the accuracy of kilovoltage absorbed dose to water primary standards and the use of Monte Carlo simulations to determine kilovoltage beam chamber correction factors.
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