Thymic precursor cells generate acute myeloid leukemia in NUP98-PHF23/NUP98-HOXD13 double transgenic mice

Transgenic mice that express either a NUP98–PHF23 (NP23) or NUP98-HOXD13 (NHD13) fusion in the hematopoietic compartment develop a wide spectrum of leukemias, including myeloid, erythroid, megakaryocytic and lymphoid, at age 9–14 months. NP23-NHD13 double transgenic mice were generated by interbreeding NP23 and NHD13 mice. Remarkably, 100% of the NP23-NHD13 double transgenic mice developed acute myeloid leukemia (AML) within three months, characterized by replacement of the thymus with leukemic myeloblasts. The marked infiltration of thymus led to the intriguing hypothesis that AML generated in NP23-NHD13 mice arose in the thymus, as opposed to the bone marrow (BM). Transplantation of CD4-CD8- double negative (DN) thymocytes (which were also negative for Mac1 and Gr1) from leukemic NHD13/NP23 mice demonstrated that DN thymocytes could transmit AML, and limiting dilution studies showed that leukemia initiating cells were increased 14-fold in the thymus compared to BM. Further thymocyte fractionation demonstrated that DN1 and DN2, but not DN3 or DN4 fractions transmitted AML, and a marked expansion (100-fold) of Lineage-Sca1 + Kit + (LSK) cells in the thymus of the NP23-NHD13 mice. Taken together, these results show that the thymus of NP23-NHD13 mice acts as a reservoir for AML initiating cells and that thymic progenitors can transmit AML.
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