Effects of tungsten and rhenium additions on phase-separation in a model Ni-Al-Cr-W-Re superalloy: A four-dimensional study

Abstract The effects of a combined 1.0 at.% W and 1.0 at.% Re addition to a model Ni-10.0Al-8.5Cr at.% superalloy aged at 1073 K (800 °C) for aging times up to 256 h are investigated using atom-probe tomography (APT) and Vickers microhardness measurements. The nanoscale properties, including volume fraction, mean-volume equivalent-radius and number density of the γ′(L1 2 )-precipitates, the chemical compositions of the γ(f.c.c.)-matrix and γ′(L1 2 )-precipitates, the concentration profiles and partitioning ratios between the two phases, γ(f.c.c.)/γ′(L1 2 ), hetero-interfacial concentration widths, and microhardness are measured as function of increasing aging time. Localized excesses of the solvent Ni at the γ(f.c.c.)/γ′(L1 2 ) interfaces persist at aging times as long as 256 h. Transient diffusional concentration gradients associated with solute-atoms during diffusion-limited growth exist in either the γ(f.c.c.)-matrix or γ′(L1 2 )-precipitates for the as-quenched state; these gradients disappear after 0.25 h for Al and Cr, and after 1 h for W and Re. Tungsten partitions to the γ′(L1 2 )-precipitates and Re partitions to the γ(f.c.c.)-matrix, respectively, and this partitioning behavior enhances the partitioning of Al to the γ′(L1 2 )-precipitates and Cr to the γ(f.c.c.)-matrix. The partitioning behavior indicates that W and Re evolve temporally more slowly than Al and Cr due to their small diffusivities in Ni. The interfacial concentration widths in the Ni-Al-Cr-W-Re alloy decrease with increasing aging time and increasing mean precipitate-radius. Adding W and Re to the base Ni-10.0Al-8.5Cr at.% alloy increases the γ′(L1 2 )-precipitate volume fraction and the microhardness due to the increased volume-fraction and solid-solution strengthening provided by W and Re.
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