Secured Mobile Collaborative Application in Cloud Environments

The utilities of mobile collaborative applications have to gain popularity day by day. When web applications are connected with various mobile applications, it reflects a new concept in the field of technology. There are different issues generated in case of mobile collaboration work, such as unstable connection, limited resources, malicious virus attack in the server, etc. In our work, our main objective is to develop a secured layer to ensure maximum security of shared resources with proper maintaining collaborative mobile applications in a cloud environment in a distributive way. In this paper, we design a cryptography-based security model mixed with dynamic early detection technique to manage congestion and provide more secured service. Our main aim is to serve the well-secured collaborative application for achieving high-quality collaborative work in the mobile cloud paradigm. In the cryptographic technique, we use Diffie–Hellman cryptosystem for designing our model, and with the help of dynamic early detection technique, we want to reduce congestion that is created by third party for interrupting mobile collaborative application in case of shared resources.
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