Carpocapse des pommes et des poires : Indications pour prévenir la résistance du ravageur et pour gérer les auxiliaires

A meeting of the Phone-Poulenc Association for Integrated Protection was held on 14 March 1996, during which specific advice was given for dealing with Cydia pomonella, apple and pear tree codling moth. Firstly, the Plant Protection Council gave details of alternation strategies for the prevention of resistance. They advise the alternation of at least three different programmes from one generation to the next. As there are usually two generations of codling moth per year in France, the alternation programme must be managed over a number of years. Then ACTA reminded all present of the effects on auxiliaries of codling moth products which are currently authorized in France. These auxiliaries should not be ignored as they play an important role in the regulation of other pest populations, which would otherwise be more harmful.
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