Influence de l’acide salicylique sur l’activité des polyphénoloxydases et l’accumulation des composés phénoliques chez le manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz )

Influence of salicylic acid on activity of polyphenol oxidases and accumulation of phenolic compounds in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) To study the reaction of defence of cassava, we have measured the activity of polyphenol oxidases (PPO) and dosed total ethano-soluble phenolic compounds accumulated before and after inoculation of salicylic acid in six weeks old seedlings. PPO activity has been precociously induced (1 h) for the cultivars bouaga, mamawa, tapioca and ecrevisse but tardily for the cultivars bonoua (4 h) and yace (12 h). PPO have been 3 to 11.50 times stimulated according to varieties. Dosed total phenolic compounds have undergone a significant increase since the inoculation, and this rate has remained almost constant during experimentation. The synthesis of enzyme has been equally stimulated in immediately situated leaves above (fis) and in under (fii) of the inoculated leaf (fi). Phenolic compound have also undergone an increase in these leaves. Concerning the age of the inoculated leaf (4 and 6 weeks), PPO activity and the phenolic compounds quantity have become more important in adult leaves.
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