Space, mass and ornament in the gotihc-renaissance transition in Spain

espanolLa introduccion en Espana de las nuevas formas y sintaxis renacentistas a lo largo del siglo xvi no se produjo con un abandono radical e inmediato de los viejos usos goticos, de validez comprobada en trascendentales cuestiones del diseno arquitectonico. La renovacion de la produccion fue heterogenea y en cierto modo particular de cada artifice, segun su formacion previa y el grado de contacto, coherencia y compromiso con las novedades italianas, generando un panorama hibrido y plural en la arquitectura del quinientos hispano. Atendiendo a significativos textos y documentos graficos de la epoca, se pretende rastrear los cambios, e inercias, en el proceso de diseno arquitectonico durante esta larga etapa de transicion, estructurando el analisis a partir de tres categorias sustanciales, interdependientes y autonomas a la vez: espacio, masa y ornato. EnglishDuring the sixteenth century the new Renaissance forms were introduced in Spain, but the Gothic procedures continued to be used due to their proven validity for the architectural design. The renovation of the architecture was heterogeneous and different for each master, according to his previous training and his knowledge of the new Italian forms. This involved a hybrid and plural context in the Spanish architecture of the 16th century. The changes and continuities of the architectural design process during this transitory stage are investigated in this paper, based on significant texts and graphic documents of this period. The analysis is structured based on three substantial architectural categories, which are simultaneously interdependent and autonomous: space, mass and ornament.
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