Prolonged Fever, Diarrhea, Abdominal Pain, and Joint Pain in a 9-Year- Old Boy

A 9-year-old African American boy was admitted to hospital with a 12-day history of fevers, diarrhea, abdominal pain and a 1-day history of joint pain. His abdominal pain and diarrhea resolved within the first few days of admission, but he continued with high-grade fevers and intermittent joint pain. The joints affected included the right first interphalangeal joint, right wrist, right elbow, and left knee joint. His initial laboratory tests revealed normal complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic panel, and C-reactive protein. Consequently, he developed fatigue, lower back pain, and bicytopenias. After 19 days of fevers, a multispecialty collaborative evaluation arrived at a final diagnosis and treatment plan. In this article, we discuss the child's hospital course and our clinical thought process. Written consent was obtained from the family.
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