Prospects for Reconstructing the Countryside

The development of construction in the countryside is an important facet of the party's agrarian policy, which is geared to the heightened role of agriculture in improving the people's well-being. Despite the exodus of labor resources from agriculture and the limitedness of farmland, there has been a substantial upsurge in agricultural production under the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution and the dynamic development of the nation's economy. (1) The July (1978) Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union emphasized the need to continue increasing the investment of capital in the development of the country's agro-industrial complex and the rural social sphere. A system of measures aimed at performing economic and social tasks posed by the party in the Program of the CPSU is being implemented. After 1965 capital investments by the state and collective farms in nonproductive facilities amounted to more than 40 billion rubles, or three fourths of the investments in the rural social sphere during the entire history of the Soviet state.
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