Comparative Roles of Charge, $\pi$, and Hydrophobic Interactions in Sequence-Dependent Phase Separation of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins

Biomolecular condensates underlain by liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) of proteins and nucleic acids can serve important biological functions; yet current understanding of the effects of amino acid sequences on LLPS is limited. Endeavoring toward a transferable, predictive coarse-grained explicit-chain model for biomolecular LLPS, we used the N-terminal intrinsically disordered region (IDR) of the DEAD-box helicase Ddx4 as a test case to conduct extensive multiple-chain simulations to assess the roles of electrostatic, hydrophobic, cation-$\pi$, and aromatic interactions in sequence-specific phase behaviors. Three different residue-residue interaction schemes sharing the same electrostatic potential were evaluated. We found that neither a common scheme based on amino acid hydrophobicity nor one augmented with arginine/lysine-aromatic cation-$\pi$ interactions can consistently account for the available experimental LLPS data on the wildtype, a charge-scrambled mutant, a phenylalanine-to-alanine (FtoA) mutant and an arginine-to-lysine (RtoK) mutant of the Ddx4 IDR. In contrast, an interaction scheme based on contact statistics among folded globular protein structures reproduces the overall experimental trend, including that the RtoK mutant has a much diminished LLPS propensity. This finding underscores the important role of $\pi$-related interactions in LLPS and that their effects are embodied to a degree in classical statistical potentials. Protein-protein electrostatic interactions are modulated by relative permittivity, which in general depends on protein concentration in the aqueous medium. Analytical theory suggests that this dependence entails enhanced inter-protein interactions in the condensed phase but more favorable protein-solvent interactions in the dilute phase. The opposing trends lead to only a modest overall impact on LLPS.
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