Estudo crítico sobre a importância do pré-natal em gestantes atendidas em Hospital universitário

A atencao a saude no pre-natal e fator redutor dos parâmetros da morbimortalidade do binomio materno-fetal. No entanto, alguns menosprezam esta assertiva atribuindo as baixas condicoes socioeconomicas fator mais relevante. No intuito de dirimir esta discrepância, foram entrevistadas 596 puerperas atendidas em hospital universitario. As pacientes responderam questionario sobre dados reprodutivos, demograficos e aspectos relacionados a assistencia pre-natal. A seguir, foram divididas em dois grupos (com e sem pre- natal), sendo comparados o peso, indices de Apgar, complicacoes obstetricas e neo-natais. Observou-se que 40% das gestantes nao realizaram pre-natal e que apenas a parte tecnica foi realizada pela maioria. Poucas foram orientadas quanto aos cuidados higienicos, nutricionais, parto, contracepcao e lactacao. Os dados comparaveis mostraram-se alterados no grupo que nao fez pre-natal, sendo o obito fetal o elemento de maior relevância. Concluiu-se que as gestantes em nosso meio tem ainda pouca preparacao para a gravidez e para o parto e que estrategias outras, que nao as atuais, necessitam ser implementadas.(AU) The attention to prenatal care is a reductive factor on the mortality of both mother and newborn. However, some authors don't agree to this statement, and the socioeconomic status are considered to be more relevant. In order to clarify these doubts, 596 pregnant women were interviewed in their first day after delivery in an university hospital. The patients responded to a questionnaire about their reproductive and demographic conditions and aspects related to their prenatal care. After, the patients were divided into two groups (with and without prenatal care). The newborn weight, Apgar index, the obstetric and newborn complications were, then, compared. It was observed that 40% of the patients did not go to prenatal office and that the technical part were well done by the majority. However only a small number of them received orientations on hygiene and nutritional cares, types of deliveries, contraception and lactation. The comparative data showed alterations in the non-prenatal group. The newborn deaths were the most relevam ones. It could be concluded that the pregnant women have a poor preparation to the pregnancy and to delivery itself among us, and that other strategies, different from the actual ones, should be performed.(AU)
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