The Influence of Planning on Quality of Governmental Service in the Implementation of Regional Development in Gayo Lues Regency

Decentra l i z ation and regional in au t onomy policies con f er authority i n more wider to lo c al admini s t r ation there demanded v ariously ch a nges in the government management sys t em. On of the chan g es is on t h e o w n local sy stem and m e chanism for planning t h e development nation al ly and reg i onal lead i nto decent r aliza t ion. The main points in the case of de v elop m ent plan n ing is abo u t the qual i ty o f w orking. The planning p r ocess in quali t y is going to generate a qualified planning, s u ch points b e run on the Gayo Lues Adm i nistr a tion.The objec ti ve of this s tudy is to analyze t h e infl u ence of agenda se t ting, pol i cy formulati o n and bud g eting on t he quali t y of working pl a n in imple m enting the d evelopment f or Gayo Lues r e gion. The rese ar ch adopted a multi p le l inear r egre s sion ana l ys i s or Path ana l ys i s with cuantitative method. Da t a as obt a in e d by this re s earch kno w n as p rim a ry data, wh i ch data was coll e cted a fter d i st r ib u ting them q uestionn a ir e , whereas secondary d ata obtained from some authori t ies. The result of the research shows that the agenda setting, policy formulation and budgeting factors affect the quality of Gayo Lues Regency Government Work Plan either simultaneously or partially and the agenda setting, policy formulation, budgeting and quality of Gayo Lues Regency Government Work Plan also have a significant effect on development Region but partially formation policy has no direct influence on the development of Gayo Lues region .
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