Macronutrientes, ingesta de alimentos y peso corporal; papel de la grasa.

Introduction: “Globesity” is the term that the World Health Organization (WHO) employs to define the growth of obesity in the world from the last 40 years which started in the developed countries and has been inevitably propagated to the developing ones. Governments and international organizations are aware of the problem and they are trying to implement measures to fight it. Aim: To analyze the current evidence in terms of studies about the relationship between macronutrients (especially fat and lipid release systems) and the secretion of gastrointestinal peptides that are involved with satiety and satiation. Methods: The search was conducted in Medline (via Pubmed) using different combinations of MeSH terms and in the database LILACs using “DeCS”. A selection of another articles relevant to the review topic was also examined. Results and discussion: At present, there are several laboratories and industries developing novel bioactive ingredients aimed at the regulation of food intake, with emphasis on those related with fat intake and the different ways in which fat can be technologically processed in order to create structures able to enhance satiety and/ or diminish hunger. Conclusion: These ingredients will be the future of functional foods focused on the prevention of weight gain and the support of other strategies against obesity (dietary, behavioral, etc…).
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