To the Leaders of the Western Michigan University Community

We, as concerned students, are writing with regard to the “Flip the W” campaign. This anonymous blog cultivated by a select group of individuals is full of negativity toward the WMU community. Discouragingly, some of these same individuals, we believe, are entrusted to educate the students of WMU. The campaign’s pessimistic persuasion is disappointing and disheartening to us on many levels. This form of cynicism and the ongoing interference with any student led event or initiative is truly disappointing. We hope that those supporting this movement really reflect on whom this is negatively impacting. As student leaders, we are charged with representing the voice of our constituents. This is an important responsibility and one that we take very seriously. Please hear us – we do see what is going on and, above all else, we are saddened by the lack of unity within and amongst our university community. The negative campaign and rhetoric is directly affecting our experiences both in and out of the classroom. We can no longer sit idle and watch as our university pride is under attack. Additionally we are concerned that the “Flip the W” campaign is devaluing our degrees by discrediting and diminishing the reputation of our institution. While we understand that many of these arguments may be politically motivated, our response is not. We are adamantly against any sort of agenda that would attempt to degrade our love for Western. We work hard to develop a collective sense of pride in our university and want our optimism to be a catalyst for positive and ongoing change. We hope that of those who are involved in this movement take the time to truly recognize all whom this is impacting. This is not only negatively affecting the students, but our campus community as a whole. Let’s work together to “flip the negativity” and restore a sense of WMU pride.
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