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The Truth about Green Business

Everything you ned to know to green your business and grow your profit : * The truth about what climate change means for your business * The truth about running lean and green * The truth about future proofing your business Green business, increasingly, is big business. Whether driven by market expectations, climate change, shifting regulations, or simply a commitment to do the right thing, green business has moved rapidly from the periphery to the mainstream and old promise for businesses of every size in every sector. Green isn't just about environment. It is also represents a way of seeing your business, and the challenges it faces, through a new lens - a lens that can bring both risks and opportunities into focus. The promise plays aout at the micro scale - the inidividual enterprise - in direct opportunities to put money in the pockets of owners, shareholders, and employees by cutting wasteful spending on excessive resource use. And it plays out at the macro scale - national, regional, and municipal economies - with impacts on jobs, economic development, balance of payments , and quality of life. And - just maybe - it's the engine to power us out of our current financial crises by investing in a new energy economy and clean new infrastructure. This is not a book about th=reehuggers' raphsodic dreams (not that there's anything wrong with dreams) but about the hard-nosed realities of business - and about the innovative new course being set by some of the world's best companies, large and small. If offers a distillation of my nearly 40 years of experience, in business, government, and the civic sector, bridging the commonly assumed but ultimately false conflicts between business and environment. And it builds on lessons learned over ten years as founder and CEO of natural logic, a strategy consultancy that has had the honor to work with clients as diverse as Helweltt-Packard and Odwalla, Conair and Levi Straus & Co., and the city of Berkeley and the World Bank to apply these ideas in the laboratory of the real world. The Truth About Green Business is designed to help you tackle these grand ideas in simple, practical, profitable, bite-sized chunks.
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