The Impact of Portuguese legistaltive changes in local accommodation

espanolO presente estudo visa suprimir a falha epistemologica existente na avaliacao do impacto dos meios legislativos e reguladores da gestao do alojamento local, que tem vindo a sofrer alteracoes e a sua relacao com a identidade cultural das cidades e, em particular, nalgumas cidades portuguesas. O Decreto-Lei no 128/2014, de 29 de agosto, com as alteracoes introduzidas pelo Decreto 63/2015 veio criar perigos para os municipios: o risco de desertificacao dos residentes habituais, a pressao das rendas, a polarizacao social, entre outros riscos, conduziram ao fenomeno de gentrificacao, tal como ocorreu em Barcelona, Veneza e Berlim. Este crescimento e potenciada pela utilizacao de plataformas digitais como a Airbnb,Homeway e Booking. Enquanto estas plataformas incrementam a economia partilhada e a democratizacao do fenomeno turistico, uma vez que permite aos turistas encontrar alojamento adequado aos seus orcamentos, a falta de fiscalizacao tem conduzido a inumeras fraudes e evasao fiscal. De modo a conter o crescimento desenfreado do alojamento local, o legislador nacional concedeu, pela Lei no62/2018, de 22 de agosto, a possibilidade de as câmaras municipais estabelecerem, por regulamento, zonas de contencao, para suspender o registo de mais espacos como alojamento local. Ao longo deste estudo, propomo-nos analisar o impacto economico e social criado por estas medidas de contencao. EnglishThis study seeks to fill the epistemological gap regarding the impact of legislative and regulatory means of managing local accommodation, has been changed, as it relates to the cultural identity of cities and parts of cities in Portugal. We presume such a cultural identity to be a complex entity which is built in part in negotiation with the tourist, but one that is currently being done on an imbalanced relationship. This study is conducted from a law studies point of view, seeking to draw conclusions from recent touristic trends especially in the cities of Porto and Lisbon. The Governmental Decree no128/2014, August 29th, with the news brought by Decree no63/2015 created severe dangers to municipal institutions: the risk of ‘desertification’ of the center by local citizens, rent pressure, social polarization, amongst other risks, which led to the “gentrification phenomenon” that has occurred in other centers such as Barcelona, Venice and Berlin. This growth has been leveraged by the use of digital platforms that promote accommodation, like Airbnb, Homeway and Booking. While these digital platforms relate to a shared economy and the democracy of tourism phenomenon as it allows tourists to find accommodation adjusted to their budgets, the lack of policing also led to some scams and taxes evasion. In order to control the unbridled growth of local accommodation in some areas, the national legislator has imposed in Law no62/2018, 22 of august, the possibility to municipalities to establish, by regulation, some containment areas, to contain registration of more places as local accommodation. On the course of this study we propose to approach the impact of this solution and evaluate the economic impact of these legal efforts to contain that growth.
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