Зеленая и цифровая экономика как инструмент устойчивого развития урбанизированных территорий

The article proposes an original typology of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030, which allows formulating through other SDGs methods and criteria for sustainable development of cities (SDG-11). Due to digitalization, all of the 10 branches of the green economy can give breakthrough effects in ensuring the sustainable development of urbanized territories. Although elements of the green economy are historically organic to Russian urbanization, it is not possible to solve the main problem of sustainable development of Russian modern spatial development—the growing contradictions between the trends of hyperconcentration of population and economy in a small (for the size of Russia) number of megacities and their critical deconcentration on the periphery—on the existing technological basis. Nevertheless, the consistent implementation of technological capabilities based on the integration of digital and green economies creates opportunities for significant productivity growth in infrastructure and production sectors of cities and development of knowledge economy and experience economy, while improving the quality of the urban environment and the quality of urban life and achieving sustainable development. A consistent and balanced multi-scale spatial-temporal and functional polarization of urbanized territories is an adequate form of implementation of this technological order. It allows on the basis of deepening the geographical labor division and coordination of the turnover of material, natural and human capital to solve the problems of sustainable spatial development of Russia by harmonizing its environmental, economic and social components. The principles of spatial-temporal, morphological and functional polarization are manifested in various spatial levels. With the development of indicators’ set and the expansion of the statistical base for the analysis of the green economy, the spread of smart city technologies and lifecycle management of land use, the constructive-geographical, project approach in urban planning, in ensuring the sustainable development of cities and agglomerations in Russia will become as familiar as the prevailing research approach.
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