Assessing the epidemiological disease burden and health insurance treatment cost of diabetic polyneuropathy based on health insurance claims data

Osszefoglalo. Bevezetes: Az idegrendszeri karosodas az egyik leggyakrabban kialakulo komplikacio a cukorbetegek koreben, mely az egyennek es a finanszirozonak is jelentős terhet jelent. Celkitűzes: Elemzesunk celja volt a diabeteses polyneuropathia okozta epidemiologiai es egeszsegbiztositasi betegsegteher elemzese. Adatok es modszerek: Az adatok a Nemzeti Egeszsegbiztositasi Alapkezelő (NEAK) finanszirozasi adatbazisabol szarmaznak, es a 2018. evet fedik le. Meghataroztuk az eves betegszamokat es a 100 000 lakosra juto igenybeveteli prevalenciat, tovabba az eves egeszsegbiztositasi kiadasokat korcsoportos es nemenkenti bontasban es ellatasi tipusonkent. A vizsgalt korkepet a Betegsegek Nemzetkozi Osztalyozasa (10. revizio) szerinti G6320-as koddal azonositottuk. Eredmenyek: A diabeteses polyneuropathia kezelesere a NEAK 6,63 milliard Ft (24,52 millio USD; 20,78 millio EUR) egeszsegbiztositasi kiadast forditott 2018-ban. E koltsegek legnagyobb hanyadat a gyogyszerek artamogatasa adta (78,29%). A teljes nepessegre szamolt, 100 000 főre vetitett prevalencia 862/100 000 fő volt a ferfiak, 981/100 000 fő a nők eseteben, egyutt 924/100 000 fő a jarobeteg-szakellatasban. A 65-74 evesek jelentek meg a legnagyobb szamban az egyes ellatasi szinteken. A nemek eloszlasa kozott a legtobb vizsgalt korcsoport tekinteteben szamottevő kulonbseg nem tapasztalhato, 65 ev felett azonban mar joval magasabb a nők aranya. Kovetkeztetes: A betegseg előfordulasi gyakorisaga a nők eseteben 15,6%-kal magasabb. Idősebb korban jelentősen magasabb betegszamot figyeltunk meg. A neuropathias szovődmenyek elkerulese erdekeben a terapias kezelesen tul a megelőzesre is sokkal nagyobb figyelmet javasolunk forditani. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(Suppl 1): 38-45. SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Neurological complications are the most common type of complications among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients, which put a heavy burden on both individuals and health insurance organizations. OBJECTIVE The aim of our study was to determine the epidemiological and health insurance disease burden of non-insulin-dependent diabetes with neurological complications. DATA AND METHODS Data were derived from the financial database of the National Health Insurance Fund Administration (NHIFA) of Hungary for the year 2018. Data analysed included annual patient numbers and prevalence of care utilisation per 100 000 population according to age groups and sex. Patients were identified with the following code of the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision: G6320. RESULTS In 2018, NHIFA spent 6.63 billion HUF (24.52 million USD; 20.78 million EUR) on treating diabetic polyneuropathy. Reimbursement of pharmaceuticals was the main cost driver (78.29% of total expenditure). Based on patient numbers in outpatient care, prevalence in 100 000 population was 862 men, 981 women, together 924 people based on outpatient-care utilization. Most patients were aged between 65-74 years in all forms of care. Regarding sex, no significant differences were found among most age groups, however, the ratio of women tends to be higher above 65 years of age. CONCLUSION Prevalence was found to be by 15.6% higher among women. Significantly higher patient numbers were found in old age. Besides therapeutic interventions, prevention should gain considerably more attention to avoid polyneuropathic complications. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(Suppl 1): 38-45.
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