"Madrid, nuevo norte”, un proyecto contra la Covid-19: el turismo como oportunidad

espanolLa historia urbanistica que ha dado paso al denominado como “Madrid, Nuevo Norte” comienza a finales del siglo pasado, cuando se estudia programar para la estacion de Chamartin y sus alrededores, una remodelacion exhaustiva. Finalmente, este planteamiento, no consiguio que tuviera el suficiente reconocimiento institucional para que se llevara a cabo un plan urbanistico que resolviera la situacion en la que se encontraba unos terrenos, y en unos suelos que comprendian la conocida como “Area de Planeamiento Especifico (APE 08.03), Prolongacion de la Castellana” (hoy “Madrid, Nuevo Norte”). A lo largo del presente estudio nos aproximamos, tal y como podemos comprobar en las variables integrantes de la Metodologia desarrollada, los espacios residuales que forman parte de los Lost spaces, que predominan en este espacio geografico. Punto de partida de ulteriores investigaciones en las que la referencia deben ser las actividades turisticas que se generaran en la que podriamos denominar etapa posterior a la “Covid-19”. EnglishThe urban history that has given way to the so-called “Madrid, New North” begins at the end of the last century when around the nineties, a comprehensive remodeling that completely transforms its appearance is being studied for the Madrid Chamartin station and its surroundings. Finally, this approach did not achieve, for various reasons, that it had sufficient institutional recognition for an urban plan to be carried out to resolve the situation in which there was some land that occupied about three million square meters, and on soils that comprised the so-called “Specific Planning Area (APE 08.03), Castellana Extension”; and whose operation to be more exact would be commonly known as “Operation Chamartin”; which later would be renamed with the name that currently remains of “Madrid, Nuevo Norte”. Throughout this study we approach As we can see in the variables that make up the Methodology developed and applied, the residual spaces that are part of the Lost spaces (formless and useless anti spaces) predominate in this geographic space. It is a no-man's-land along the edges of the highways, whose conservation nobody cares about, and which nobody uses. Starting point for further research in which the reference should be the tourist activities that will be generated in what we could call the post-Covid-19 stage.
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