Impacto de un programa de gestión intensiva de casos en los ingresos psiquiátricos

espanolEl modelo de gestion intensiva de casos (GIC) se ha estudiado de forma extensa en el tratamiento de los trastornos mentales graves, aunque aun permanece la controversia sobre su impacto en la disminucion de los ingresos psiquiatricos. El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar si la puesta en marcha de un programa GIC disminuye el numero y/o la duracion media de los ingresos psiquiatricos, y en caso de ser asi, si esta disminucion se mantiene durante el ano siguiente a la finalizacion del programa. Se incluyeron en el estudio retrospectivo 48 pacientes tratados en un programa de GIC, con diagnostico de trastorno mental grave. Se revisaron el numero y la duracion media de los ingresos durante tres periodos: en los 12 meses antes de entrar en programa, 12 meses de tratamiento y 12 meses despues del alta del programa. Durante el periodo de participacion en el programa, se observo una disminucion significativa de los ingresos psiquiatricos en relacion al ano previo. Esta disminucion en el numero de ingresos se mantuvo durante el ano posterior al alta del programa. Los cambios en la media de dias por ingresos no mostraron significacion estadistica. EnglishThe Intensive Case Management (ICM) model has been extensively studied in the treatment of severe mental disorders, although its impact on inpatient psychiatric admissions remains controversial. The objective of the present study is to assess whether an implemented ICM program decreased the number of psychiatric admissions and / or the average length of stay per admission, and if so, if these decreases were maintained one year after patients had completed the program. 48 patients with severe mental disorders treated in the ICM program were included in a retrospective study. Number of psychiatric admissions and the average length of stay per admission were reviewed for three periods: 12 months prior to treatment, 12 months of treatment, and 12 months post-treatment. During the period of ICM program participation, a significant decrease in psychiatric admissions was observed in relation to the pretreatment period. This decrease was maintained the first year patients were discharged from ICM and referred to their usual treatment. The changes of mean length of stay per admission during de ICM treatment were not significant.
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