TLISI 2018: Strategies and Perspectives on the Role of the Library in Slavery, Memory, and Reconciliation Initiatives - May 22, 2018

This presentation will discuss and update the Library's strategies, projects, and initiatives to support the University's Slavery, Memory, and Reconciliation effort, including digitization of the Maryland Province Archives, which details the Jesuit's sale of of 272 enslaved persons in 1838 to support Georgetown College. The session also will provide an overview about the Librarys stewardship role with respect to the Archives, and how it advances the University's teaching, research and scholarship mission. The speakers will conclude by summarizing the contents of the Archives beyond the financial transaction's including details related to how the enslaved persons lived and worked and how the Library plans to make these materials accessible and discoverable in various formats to Georgetown University scholars, Descendants, and the broader global research community. The speakers will gather audience feedback at the end to help enhance the Library's current plans and improve existing processes. Outcomes from this session will include the audience learning about Library projects and initiatives to advance University priorities and faculty teaching and scholarship; Library service to global researchers and the Descendant community; and Library integration into, and synergy with, the Institute for Racial Justice and the Georgetown Slavery Archive. Intended audience is faculty and graduate students.
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