Роль і місце інформаційної безпеки у розбудові сучасної української держави

Studied intrinsic characteristics of state information security. Determined features of the state building process interrelation in Ukraine with the need of creating a national information security system. It is noted that the specific of information security is that it is manifested in various spheres of public life as the preservation and protection of information is an important part of their operation. In turn, procuring the information security strengthens the state, allowing it to withstand dangers in this area. Analyzed the basic informational threats to national security of Ukraine. At the present domestic state building stage Ukraine became the object of powerful information attacks aimed at the destruction vital areas of our country. According to national experts on information security issues that formed based on the analysis of foreign influence on the informational media – and cyberspace Ukraine, there are signs of real threats to our country. Grounded the necessity of improving the legal provision of national information security, taking into account the international experience. For implementing effective security measures in system information area of country, we need to continuously improve the regulatory framework for preserving the balance between the interests of the state in the field of information security and information rights. It is noted that the strengthening of the legal framework in the field of information and communication aimed, primarily, to protect information sovereignty of modern states. Generalized the existing ideas about the varieties and areas of information weapon application in modern information wars. Determined that a particular danger of information war for the existence of the state is that it is usually aimed at the awareness "reprogramming” for the individual social groups: the result is the value deformation of social consciousness, changes in attitudes and policy preferences of citizens who are threatening the existence of countries. Typically, in the state information wars use the so-called information weapons, which can be stopped with the defense capabilities. It should be noted that the information weapon particularly effectively acts against the country, which is in crisis in which public mind dominates ambivalence of values, socio-political uncertainty. The use of information weapon is particularly effective there is a confrontation between the political forces, the crisis of moral and legal consciousness is weak patriotic elite in all spheres of public life in the country. It is noted that further development of the Ukrainian state needs to create a system of information (including cyber) security of Ukraine, which should be aggressively focused on the protection and promotion of national interests.
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