God representation, self representation, and educational experience among university students in Rio de Janeiro

This study aimed at verifying relations between God representations (GR), self representations (SR), and learning educational experience (LEE) among graduate students in Rio de Janeiro. We studied GR as beliefs stressing God's power over humans (GR1); spiritual power (GR2); providence of a better human life (GR3); mutual dependence between God and humans (GR4); and disbelief of its existence (GR5). We treated SR as composed by individual-self, interpersonal-self and collective-self. The LEE was studied as events produced mainly because of an action of the student's own learning, or as events caused mainly by teaching action over the student, like institution/professor/curricula. We used closed/open questions to research among Economy (n=82) and Psychology (n=107) students. GR1 and GR2 interfered on SR of the interpersonal-self and collective-self; meanwhile the others GR interfered on SR of the individual-self, interpersonal-self and collective-self. Self assertion, assertive interpersonal relation and negative interpersonal relation correlated negatively with LEE.(AU) En este estudio procuramos verificar relaciones entre representaciones de Dios (RD), auto-representaciones (AR), y experiencia educacional (LEE) entre estudiantes universitarios en Rio de Janeiro. Estudiamos representaciones de Dios enfatizando el poder de Dios sobre los humanos (RD1); poderes espirituales (RD2); proveer una mejor vida humana (RD3); dependencia mutua entre Dios y humanos (RD4); y no creencia en su existencia (RD5). Tratamos AR como siendo compuesta por yo-individual, yo-interpersonal y yo-colectivo. La LEE fue estudiada como eventos producidos sobretodo por una accion de aprendizaje del estudiante el/ella misma o como eventos causados por la accion de la ensenanza sobre el estudiante, como institucion/ profesor/curriculum. Usamos cuestiones cerradas/abiertas para investigar estudiantes de economia (n = 82) e psicologia (n=107). RD1 y RD2 interfirio sobre las AR de yo-interpersonal y yo-colectivo; mientras las otras RD interfirieron sobre las AR del yo-individual, yo-interpersonal y yo-colectivo. Auto-afirmacion, auto-afirmacion interpersonal y relacion interpersonal negativa correlacionaron con LEE.(AU)
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