Gaixotasun traumatikoa eta trauma-sistemak

EuskaraOsasunaren Mundu Erakundearen (OME) esanetan, traumatismoen ondorioz urtero 4 milioi pertsona baino gehiago hiltzen dira eta dozenaka milioi zauritzen. Arrisku-faktoreak ez daude gizabanakoen jokabidearekin lotuta bakarrik, pisuzkoak dira ere aldagai soziosanitario, laboral, ekonomiko, politiko eta kulturalak. Izan ere, azken urteotan, medikuntza modernoaren eta baliabide teknologikoen garapenarekin batera, paziente traumatikoen arretan emaitzak nabarmenki hobetu dira herrialde garatuetan. Baliabideen erabilera egokia eta azpiegitura logistikoaren antolaketa funtsezkoak izan dira hobekuntza horretan. Eta, hain zuzen ere, hauxe da Trauma Sistema ideiaren jatorria: paziente traumatikoen beharrak berdinak izaten dira eskura dauden baliabideak direnak direla; ordea, zentro guztiek ez dituzte eskuragarri atentzio egoki eta osorako behar diren baliabide guztiak. Errealitate horrek Trauma Sistema baten barnean antolatzera bultzatzen ditu zentrook. Ildo honi jarraituz, Gipuzkoako Trauma Sistemak gure lurraldean dauzkagun zentroak integratzen ditu, emergentziekin batera, ondo lotutako sare baten barnean. Era berean, Gipuzkoako Trauma Batzordea osatu zen 2010. urtean, espezialitate ezberdinen kideak biltzen dituena. Orduz geroztik, hainbat ekimen bultzatu dira paziente traumatikoaren atentzioa hobetzeko asmoz, azken hamarkadan ingresatutako traumatizatu larrien hilkortasuna % 16,7tik % 8,77ra jaitsi delarik gure lurraldean. Horrenbestez, argi geratzen da Trauma Sistemak erreminta baliagarriak direla eskura dauden baliabideak modu egokian kudeatzeko eta zauritutako pazienteei atentziorik onena emateko EnglishAccording to the World Health Organization (WHO), every year there are over 4 million deaths due to traumatisms, and dozens of millions of people are injured. Risk factors are not only associated with the behavior of individuals, but also with socio-sanitary, occupational, economic, political and cultural variables, which exert a significant influence. Indeed, in high-income regions, along with the development of modern medicine and technology, results have dramatically improved in recent years. The appropriate use of resources and the management of logistic infrastructure have been essential in this regard. And this is the origin of the idea of Trauma Systems: the needs of patients with trauma are the same wherever they are, independent of the available resources; however, not all facilities have all the necessary resources to give appropriate and thorough attention. This reality has encouraged facilities to organize themselves within Trauma Systems. Along these lines, the Gipuzkoa Trauma System integrates all the Health Centres of our region, as well as emergency services, into one unique system. Likewise, the Gipuzkoa Trauma Commission, which is made up of members with different specialties, was established in 2010. Since then, many initiatives have been promoted to improve the attention of patients with trauma and, as a result, the mortality of severe cases admitted to hospital has decreased from 16.7 to 8.8% in our region. Therefore, it is clear that Trauma Systems are valuable tools for the appropriate management of available resources and for the optimal care of injured patients
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