Environmental Assessment Installation Development and Base Realignment and Closure Actions

Abstract : The purpose of the Proposed Action is to base an additional 28 aircraft at Columbus AFB as a result of two Congressionally mandated 2005 Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) actions. The first BRAC action would relocate personnel, students, and T-38 aircraft associated with Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals (lFF) training to Columbus AFB (the BRAC IFF action). The second action would add 14 T-6 aircraft at the Base (the BRAC T-6 action). The 1FF BRAC action would add 14 T-38 aircraft and increase the average daily student load (ADSL) by l7 students. The BRAC T-6 action would increase the ADSL by 30 students. A total of 65 additional permanent personnel would be assigned to Columbus AFB as a result of both BRAC actions. Additionally, Columbus AFB proposes to implement its capital improvements plan in support of installation development by constructing new buildings, altering facilities, and demolishing some existing facilities. This EA evaluates the No Action Alternative, the Proposed Action, and a Maximum Capability Alternative. The Maximum Capability Alternative would develop facilities to the maximum capability of the installation to support Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training (SUPT) in the T-1, T-6, and T-38 aircraft and the JFF program. SUPT training would continue to be conducted under the No Action Alternative. Resources considered in the impact analysis were: airspace and range operations; construction noise and aircraft operations noise; land use; air quality; infrastructure and utilities: groundwater resources; hazardous materials and waste: socioeconomic resources and environmental justice.
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