In vitro specific interactions revealed the infective characteristics of fungal endophytes to grapevine

In the present study a method for co-culture of fungal endophytic strains and grape cells was developed in order to study their interactions, and filter candidates for further safe inoculation in the vineyard. Analysis of morphological and physiological traits was performed by measuring the plant callus and fungal growth, plant cells viability, degree of cell oxidation and the scale of contact or its absence as reaction of the fungal endophyte to the presence of the plant callus. Accordingly, endophytic fungal strains (EFS) were classified on scale of invasion into categories (strong - medium - weak invasive), as well as the contact between the two partners (grow into - grow onto - contact - no contact) and the grape cell oxidation degree (normal (no oxidation) - light - moderate - serious). More included the dominance and distribution of EFS in the plant host, and correlation plots of physiological traits during plant callus and endophytic fungi co–culture were calculated.
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