Imagens que pairam: A fantasmagoria das imagens em circulação

In mediatization, there is an increase in the surfaces that, potentialized by social/semio/technical protocols, activate memories and change the notions of time and reference. Images are inserted in media circulation by both journalistic institutions and social actors who rework the meanings but preserve the strength of previous images. This article discusses circulation and, especially, the reminiscences of the Syrian boy  Aylan Kurdi’s image because that image is present in other photographies and videos of the conflicts in the Syria region. We ask: to what extent does the photograph of the boy set itself like a phantasmagoria? Thus, we have used empirical analysis and the concepts of “intervals iconology” and “nachleben” by Warburg (2013), corporeity in Kamper (2016), and the specific mediatization theoretical contributions.
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