Influência do uso de biorreguladores no crescimento de Hymeneae courbaril

The study aimed to evaluate the effect of application of plant growth regulators: paclobutrazol (PBZ), gibberellic acid (GA3 ) and ethephon in seedlings of Hymenaea courbaril. The experiment was established in randomized block design, three replications, three regulators, three dosages/regulators, plots with four plants and witness treatment. Parameters such as height and diameter, chlorophyll content and total soluble proteins were measured to assess the effect of treatments on plant growth. The application of PBZ promoted morphological changes in leaves as a reduction in size, texture and color intensity. We verified reduction of plant height (28%), reduction in protein synthesis (48%). GA3 promoted the increase of this variable (12%). The ethephon promoted pointers apical death, reducing the height of the seedlings (22%). We concluded that applications of plant growth regulators influenced the vegetative development of jatoba, providing important preliminary results for the use of synthetic hormones in tree species.
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